make DC Motors :

motors requires a basic understanding of the design and operating
characteristics of the various types available: the series motor, the
shunt motor, and the compound motor. Each type has unique operating
characteristics and applications.
Designs, parts & Dimensions are as per I.S.I Standards. Latest
Innovations are incorporated. Changes are made with times and also
as per Customer demands. |
Steel made Frames ensure greater strength & standard type production.
Ventilation is provided by strong fan. In case of excess heat due to low
speeds, Blower Mounting arrangement are provided for necessary Cooling. |
Shunt Coils are wound in such a way with Main Pole that, solid
inter-pole & main-pole base would withstand any type of vibration.
Coils made of copper conductors are insulated & then vaccum
impregnated with high grade varnish ensuring resistance against acids, oil
& moisture. |
Cylindrically, with hard-drawn copper and V-Groove segments of high
conductivity, insulated by a mica sheet in between. Complete commutator is
baked for high temperature testing. |
Gear is made of strong, special design- but with simple construction-
making it possible for shafts to rotate easily at low speeds with
noise-free service. Provision for easy access to replace and adjust the
brushes is provided. Brushes are of standard grades, ensuring sparkless
commutation. |
are built of high quality Standard Steel Laminations, Securely insulated
from each other and clamped together under high pressure ensuring low
heating losses. Coils and wire-winding is strictly as per insulation class
'B'. Armature are Dynamically Balanced to precise grade using computerised
balancing machine to ensure low vibration operations. Resin Binding means
full protection of Armature in all respects.
all products are thoroughly & vigorously tested on special Heavy
Duty Test Bench and Dynamometer. All continuously rated Motors &
Generators are tested on Full Load for more than Five Hours (HEAT RUN
TEST) for temperature rises and the same are not permitted to exceed
values prescribed as per I.S. 4722. All windings are put to insulation
test with lowest rate of 1.5 to 2 KV. |
